As of January 31, 2025
1Total Asset Value is measured as the gross asset value of real estate equity investments (based on fair value) plus the equity in Brookfield REIT real estate-related debt investments measured at fair value (defined as the gross asset value of Brookfield REIT’s real estate-related debt investments less the debt on such real estate-related debt investments) plus cash and short-term investments but excluding any other assets.
2Excludes short-term real estate-related debt securities.
3Leverage is calculated by dividing (i) the consolidated property-level and entity-level debt, excluding any third-party interests in such debt, net of cash, loan-related restricted cash, and trading securities by (ii) the gross asset value of real estate equity investments (calculated using the greater of fair value and cost of gross real estate assets), excluding any third-party interests in such investments, plus equity in real estate-related debt investments. There is no indebtedness on real estate-related debt investments. The leverage ratio would be higher if Brookfield REIT’s pro rata share of debt within unconsolidated investment was taken into account.
4Asset allocation is measured based on the net asset value of Brookfield REIT’s investments, which is calculated as the sum of (a) the gross asset value of property investments (based on fair value) less the fair value of debt liabilities adjusted for investment-level working capital, excluding any third-party interest in such real estate investments, plus (b) the fair value of real estate-related debt investments and investments in short-term treasuries. There is no indebtedness on real estate-related debt investments. Totals may not sum due to rounding. Property Type and Geography weightings are measured as the gross asset value of real estate equity investments for each sector category and for each geographical category against the total gross asset value of all real estate equity investments. There can be no assurance asset allocations will be met or that the Brookfield REIT will be able to implement its investment strategy or its investment objectives.